We finally finished and presented our i-movie! Even though is nice to be done with it, it was a good experience. Although movie projects are not my favorite, I think that they can be highly effective when used properly. In the classroom, I don't think that I will make i-movies to show in class but it could be a project I assign to students. In my opinion, making an i-movie was alot more fun then writing a book report or doing a power point presentation. I feel that my own students would enjoy making a movie instead of writing a report as well. In addition, having students make movies incorporates everyone's talents and skills. Some students may have a hard time speaking in front of the class but are really good at editing. Some may love being in front of the camera but have trouble with writing essays and reports. Not only does it allow for students to use and learn different skills, it also builds social skills and skills that come with working in a group (i.e. listening to other ideas, working together to solve problems). I can really see how using i-movie in the classroom can be very beneficial to student learning.
With our i-movie, we had to do alot of both collorboration and independent work. We all wrote a part of the script and then met to put all parts together into one script. The filming didn't take too long, we were able to get it done on a saturday morning. The only part that was difficult was using i-movie itself. For me especially, the editing was hard. Our group had to utilize the help-desk in the library many times in order to get the movie ready to present in class. The program itself is not difficult, rather having to learn how to use it while working on the movie was hard. In the future I think and interactive tutorial would be very helpful, before starting this project. In the end, the project was alot of fun, even though time consuming. It was a very worthwhile experience! Here is the link to our i-movie about the book, Teach like your Hair is on Fire. http://homepage.mac.com/eviedumanian/My%20Website/page1/files/page1_1.jpg
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